The News from Paterson, New Jersey (2024)

A 4 9 -y )i JvLI; L' J- ra Z-zri Ccrr. Al I si K2g Andercou To Defend i 1 2 o'c Sheila ck CcdyWine i French Golf Play rr Cci I.cGrcrs Ibchir.3 adl0c Puckpi Eastside pre5- SlarietrSL 0a lop INP.C.B.A1jol.Rx The i Vwl n.fenn Will De Pdrcd With Gecre DurJzp, Of ftir.ce ten DECEPTIVE COURSE SrJL Eixirr; Ar. Ilbr.tcr r-IaFirld j- FOR LINKS nONOltS Tcrri Triur.h3 GoCfero launched thstr fsest for victory a tba Prealdaata '-Cup I Handicap tearaament at Preakness I Hills Caaatry club this week, with Jtba following tcorta being chalk-led P- First Bow ad Guehsiy defeated Garaer Bora-fttift 1 SJk Dr. A. Lents, defeated Jack Spits, ap.

Henry Spits defeated Dr. WU-lliam Tssko, 4 aad In like big ImgtronBril'zwsglersI Sllverbsck defeated J. Kaha, cohorts chalked ap a to I trt-l The. Pbilrtie came through in handsome style last evening at Totowa Oral aad hatting and 9eld-i GUIs Chalk Up Victory in Match With Toe jh i Opponent Eagtslde Preeh. to deadlocked smh Street Blues la the ow ia pro.

5 a'b Ptogress ys FV a4" drives. nL on fifteen aadllt ktandiags: torn ttmpUrro.l A wH. a i i a a eoi Deauville, yrsace. Juse 9, (Jf Aa iateraatioaal Paid started play ia tba French Opea golf championship today with America's la tercets in tba bead of Hortoa Smith. Hunter.

Edward lJolnny Do Paolo aad J. H. Fons-msa. Jack Wolfs defeated Leo Minim-, Other outstanding contestants kia 4 bud 9 included Jose Jerado, of tbo Ar- S. D.

Perlmsa defeated Georgs runner-up la the recent Scbottlend, aad 9. rufc cbampioanhlp. The Second Row ad Brttone, Haary Cotton and Arthur Dr, H. A. Lents defeated G.lHl'rn, pre7 A1)lM.

Berlia. Tba battery -aggregation jtagSffmSST smooth ball aad with flawless W- p-a asT. fast playing, they eeppetf tba triumph over tba opposition. The Bate nr on B. P.

40, bagatelle team chalked up an other wia last night at Dick Co-sacks Diver View Totowa, duo to tho espert cue marksmanship of Captain Dr Aubrey, Burk. The 'Bills wore sixty plat to iho bad going Into tba anchor men, who wero 8urk, and Waddlogtoo. and tha former Fees, seat tho Elks into freusy wbea bo tallied opponents 370, giving fraternal organization victory by 515 pins. First Congo. Blue Wsuaft I Arnaud Massey, aad -Aubrey aad Levy, 1 aad 1.

E. Sllverbacb defeated H. Bomr; of Prc- The -ebampioaship is Tt holes of medal play acattared over two days. ssn'l. KT, June'E HV-Ick Lake Country dub stroks-tesiiag I-hols coer, where th New Jersey mtNi go ft chsmptoo-bit will be played eommeaciis to-morrow.

is ta tit beat of coedition. reedy for the abuse of 143 sattaata Tb nr 73 nmi baa andsrgoat number ef changes th hut tw ymre. A4dlng to Its cpU tad bard tiara. Tha intral layout totnuH ask the Drat alaa fiatshiaff dess to tha clubhouse. Tha ftiratra ara thickly sattrd with rich tart.

Practically assuring a food tia for every abac Tb greens bar btaa cropped abort for tha championship. ho treat difficulty will ceafroat fba golfer bag taada ia tha rough. Tb pua-alty 4s not serious aa It might ba. tor tba rough it fairly ahort a ad most of tba baa ara coed eaooib ta permit tba aaa of a wood dab. After the Brat foar bales oa the utgeing sin tba opportunities for canning birdies aa tba balance the hoiee ara leas propttaooA Among tba aow bales; (ba outstanding for character aad quality ara tba 5th.

th. Ttb, and Hb balsa. Tba ttb la a two-shotter, with the trees aittina aa top of a bdt Tba alaa cHs far lo shots ta the I aad 3. J. Wolfe defeated maa, 4 aad 4.

I D. Perl- Heits. Mayo Carroll Moreland Bosshardt Solemenl ZkpoU Weay Relsmuller. Tba Billa wera treated Toyl-fu Hlgh Team's ly by Dick Cusack, and will raturn Mrkt Blue to hia place for aaotbar mstcb la -gb 'Harold Ritchie tadividuai lbs near future. Monday bight, tha Elks i ItflUtict Again Win In Tilt With United a tot ff flo 1 if a ml tai tm JIT teat trt COB This Gamo 'GOLF Sy Q.BL KEELER The, Athletics after a bard twelve-inning game, conquered tha Quarters United! by a score of 9 to 7.

The streets Sportsmen ware behind, always Following ara tb scores: gaining gradually until tht ELKS, twelfth Inning when with one maa Nolan oa CeruJll bit a bard sacrifice flyjTerger winning tha game. Slater tires, at ths Utter at Straight and CODT A. A. AB. R.

H. 1 4 4 9 0 9 0 9 0 1 I 1 0 1 A 0 I 0 14 9 0 0 0 3 1 4 4 0 1 I 0 4 will play tha James Fisa cans rep-resenta head-- River p- Hartlep I Rpamu 1321 U( 1891 1870 18Jt HU 1711 1711 lilt 1029 All teatna scheduled pL avenlng at '-42 100 Morere W. McNamara jForaa jKulken J. McNamara. Barclay Vaeea Docherty MeDermont Paea Ri Bobby Jonas baa added aa aa-usual bullseya to bia record of a single hole-ln-ont shots and ba pitched a grit gamwTrttiac'alaa Ifarme aow poetesses one of each.

bullseya was achieved during the! in harmony aad as error wars) Finn progress of bia motion picture committed. aeries. Both tba Athletics aad Uajtads I suppose the, bullseye was the (s re fighting to see which team will funniest shot ever made, la toms represent the Blessed Saerameat ways. Bobhy was worbing at tba Church, ao you can rert asaurtd FUntridge Country club, near Hoi- that they both fought' They must lywood. and ba was to demonstrate wt two out of three games.

Summary: Two-base bit Bar-1 some big iron shots. The camera Tuesday night the Athletics will Home run ZlrpoU. Sac-1 was mounted with the lens about play -the Rtversido-Palp atLyona oa aOvaL All player must XI score bt Innings. Cody A.

A. 0 90090 -1 1 Zieglers 9 3 0 0 4 klto Mayo. Carroll, Morefe. seven feet shove tba turf, Bases halls prue-Noreu I new VI MS I Jenkins, spmSS 5 Carrolls Chalk-Up Twelfth 175 210 190 210 vif 420 445 410 400 f9v 1500 2145 2S56 2015 oa Off Relamaller, off Barclay, 3. Struck out By Relsmuller, by Barclay, X.

Umpires H. Pohtman, Buccier. platform. Both camera and sraman wero protected by padding- 3rb. baswiam uum0 WIU PSoMM Tfa VB CWfc a Tha Beit tomonu m.

ewDnm. camaat. I Courier heavy For games call Jos Maids, Share! Rosenbaum .29 wood 2-2722, between 13 and 1.1 Tunis '7 jAy light semi-pra team ts ro- Foster 350 3T5 Trif 1 195-470 3435 HiUsidefi AreSubmsn lM Landslide Might ...,115 259 Noddingtoa 230 Hit ab STewYork Giants HavTwo Great Young Infielders In Yergez and AIarshall Tha Carrolla defeated the i park by the tan of 5 topeaig Carrolls Win Frbm'BIue Caps Sport Shop Nino Rands 9-5 Licking to Dusky Johauy Vergaz. the rookie third acker with tba ideas of veteran Wg leaguereoet the New Tork Giants a sweet piece of change wbea be was purchased from Oakland of the Pacific Coast League i-X. I 1 ---lank Leonard port QUESTION BOX.

1. What nation eliminated Ja pan in tha Daria Cap matches last summer? 2. How maay II mas was Arthur Spencer, the blhe rider, recog-nfxed ss United Plates Professional Sprint Champion? 3. What make ear did Ralph DePalma drive when he won tho Indianapolia antomoblle race in Janowiu snd Mdzmj, 4 rrblllty htfl ting three out of lotr j1 tJ 4bber Tor iho winner I (The Carrol! Brothers apor. rr d-d vu hL it beat the HllUldaa for their Roif rr lha twelfth win of the seseoa, tcdll haie had a I The Carrolls defeated the HiU-fful far and sides by th score of 10-7, making to pUy Irani i it two in a row orer the loeera wrrn.

Merceia and the I 2 A ytwaiag atraam water ia tba reeeptaeia awaiting topped or ether wise faalty tea abota oa tba 7th. TH yards from tea ta frees la additioa tba water hazard the freaa ia rarroonded by buskers The Itb is a dries aad a pitch, whila from the Pth tea the player must 'drive lose aad straight to carry, a basher XM yards ant ia aider to ba ia a position ta reach tba free aa bis second abet. The second sine oatdiaUaeea tba cut-fosnf route by 13 yards. The djatasce la aceossted for by the-dlui sod 13th boles, each Well aver Ml yards, and the loosest ta tho circuit. The 13th ami 15U.

srs tosr two-ebattert, paralleling' each other, but running ia tba opposite directions. Tba lith. a pond bale. sad 17th srs par 1 boles, while the lith measuring 401 yards, requires two Ion wood abets ta fet on ths frees. The qualifying rwuad of IS boles fee aaderway Wednesday morning at 8:30 oclock (daylight aavtog tins).

PiayiBf ia two-aomoa, pairs win tea off at later-- vela of ire mis a tea through to 5 p. F. Paul Asdersoa. of Csnoe Broob. the defesdisf ebamplos.

la paired with Georgs T. Dunlap, of Prismou, tatereoUefiate ebasi pies sad' North aad South titleholder. They will tee off at 3S: 15. Another popular pair eora-priaeo Hi B- Ksescbe, Ridgewood and Elmwood Club champion, aad Frank W. Dyer, -former auta aad metrepotit*a chsmptoa.

msktnf bis rt bid to regain the title after a loflf abseaea from tbs district their starting time is 19 35. 1 Last year rwaner-np. Kenneth Smiths farmer Prfnretott foot ban star, aad Kenneth Wolcott, of Trenton. lll semi-finalist, let off at 51. J.

Wolcott Brown, of Spring lake, who held tba title set oral years ago, starts out at 19:95 with Dr. B. Caoos Brook. The 193 champion Jack Sharkey, oL Crest men t. will play tba qualifying rosnd with Fraaklia H.

Gates, of Xostelsir. -teeing off at It Ir-. of Ready, Aim, First Bobby was stAtloned Just 50 feet away, armed with No. 2 Iron. "Now.

said ths director, try Csmsnto, as to hit tbo camera try to hit tbs Di Bano. rf lent! Lefty, lb 4 Bet yon dollar yon cant hit Rossi, ,.4 it in dozen shots, said aa ou- 4 Detemma. 2b Bobby squared off an! ataum-J Peppers, ef. 2b ed'Tila ataaca Tho huGseyo was Perronar 2b 3 a square black bpening, known as Clsidl, ...,,.,...4 the 'mat-bos," which projects tnMss, if strong Vreeland-Ortolee at Weld-lfert roroof 'the'lifn lM1Ui' strong team thl sesron snd h.r. ridgro MdowT'd the lens-tunnel.

e. CrUtiano, ef from Passaic who may dra'w theh tkaein- T. Crittiano, if assignment of Manager Engel tol ,1 th tonal to F. D'Angelo, rf ,.,.,.5 Istart the camera and sound rs-E. Wieas, lb cording machines.

)t. Psssero. Whamreald ths big iroaD. Gsugler, 2b E. Rosso, lb 3 the ball.

smsck-jF. Kolenut, .4 lo. who bat-won four out of'flrei, th t-tox fairly ia tha cn-1 F. Friehoff, ...,,.,2 jstarta, or Joe Hlldobrant, to stopl1. J1 Dodge, ,,,,,,..4 the Vni4.

streak I 'a crtt- yn could- bearJ. CerruiM, 2b 3 eentoth hrtok delighted amase- P. MsldsJb ment the crew, as you sawT, Nicolinl, ..,,,,,1 the heir flash r-upwtrd. disappear 4 for a hundredth of a second, aad! 4 1 than blot out tbo seene with a Both teams ato rery matchedSDd a good fast game Is expected. The teems wilHine UP aa follows: Hawthorne Banker Sinnemi, The COrolia wero trailing the1? Janlor- For xamei ft c.

pair Nochi Kadra 0r, ton, Carull to Fr IrNel Hillsides nstll the last inning Tr JIarold Harrnea, I when the sport outfit went into apHon pSce. batting spreo, scoring fonr-runel Carroll 1 1 9 1 V-1 9 1 -1 2 1 Toi; last winter, but be seems to well worth the price. Eddie Marshall. who plays tba part of -utility lafleldsr with the GiaaU, 4 Ida cost the club quite aa much cash by severs! thousands, but ba too baa proven a bargain. Striking aa average on tbo coot of both men tbo GiaaU think each wai cheap for they are two very important cogs ia the machine wiUr which John McGrsw hopes'ro lure world scries throng to tbs Polo Grounds next fait Verges accomplished something this spring that New Tork fans would hare thought idiotic to even suggest two years ago.

Ha shoved Freddie Undetrom out Into right field aad took over tbe hot corner for himself-- Anda they say on the radio that tumpin' aod no mistake. Of coarse McGrsw had and wlaning tho game. Brown, on tho mound, did not faro well Bwer cl-for tho Carroll, hut vat replaced Malsman. rf. by Singers, who pitched well theJBOlr1111.

rest of the game. Hartman, lb. Tomorrow night the 'UarrolIs4GMlw. p. wHl try aud make, their fifth Acker, 2b.

straight Deagud game when Bosb they meet the Rise and Quicken- If. ANSWERS TO YESTERD A TB QU ESTION 8. 1. The Curtia sisters of Boston, Massachusetts, Margaret and Her-riet. war finalists In tba National omens Golf Championship of 1907, Margaret won.

Bunting won ha Belmont Futurity tn 1021. 3. Bobby Jones 14 years of age when ha played In his first National Amateur tournament. LANK stand. ready to ill Newman, as.

Kolinj Tiril Rat Jin I Rst SacNe Hanns John Carnxt lit 0 Coates, 3b.f Sonny Coates, aa; Arnowlts, Peppers Moe-ea, Lti Pace PoWtlneky. c.t; iX It Blae Caps c. BA. Directors Announce Play ri Sprague or Glroda, rt; Msl Me-d Hobby and ertrythlog else. It or HIIdebrant.

tuck fast in the mnt-box and had bush team at Eastsld Fsrk Tb boa score; CAltROLLS. ffS 1 iiimt m. n. 3 i Pohlman, 30., 4 Brown, p. 3 1 De Malo, lb.

t'i l.f 4 Horoinger. c.f. 5 Vogel. 3b. 4 Volp.

r.f. 4 Csprini, i Singer, p. ,4. fi 114 .3 3 3 17 3 13 3 I HI 5 10 answer any reasonable question pertaining to Sports, so send along the queries! If a personal reply ia desired, a self-addressed, stamped envelope, bearing full name and address, should accompany your requests and be addressed to Lank Leonard, tn cars of this newspaper. Tbs Editor: Chnk Dormta Oabby McVflih.l a.

0 9 4 1 9 0 9 ''ToU (cor- Ldwini Inwii Imp to bo pluckaj ont, bad, chewed up by the metsl ridges Into which dged. It Neleon, ee. Wlmterly, cf. Wad, rf. Neleon.

lb. Wright, p. Kyi. 3b. Hutcbleen.

if, Ctutt, 3b. Welker, c. Pinning Competition I Launched by Group Dates Announced The director of the P. C. B.

A. the mere is mind before be walled that Juicy check te Oakland but thd fact remains that Vargex, With ao previous experience under the big tent, baa played the big wait enough to satisfy New Tork thpt McGrow was right in making tba drastic awltebT Verges, aow 21 year of age starttd'hU career with the Ala- Easier Thao Aa Are Tho camera kept rolling along. Ash Vreeland-Orlolee Hickey, Lawrence, 2b tsf Marta, Richel, 3h. English. I.L; Duncan.

Sister, r.f Hook Crawford er Iron Man Johnny Nolan, Rosell er Sims, c. The Tima starts at 4:39 sharp. Hawk Steilingswerf jrlU umpire. xi Total Barnes Pitched I I East Peter ton Mohawks IS II to Handkerchief Scalp Racketeers Nine I California, high school team same team with which Dick Si a like Did- Man River, end ths howling academy will atari their sound-record caught a lot of eon- wliadul of tb first mixed double vernation which probably didn't 4uck- tournament ever bald tn get late the finished picture. Jtbto section when they bowl their But th first shot wee a perfect eerie of game oa Thursday bulls jo, and subsequent shots, Tnin.

June 11, oa tb P. a aom at slow-motioa, smacked drives. Ten teams have entered will until Miwuwl intCIPfl tsiivw, itb IwwIHI BAT CO Llubolrkf katt tba padding with Ith1 hovel tournament which six inches ef the'lent, to show uprnB ertrT Thursday evening Carrolls in Tough Diamond 3 Consolidated Team Loses Howe tors, Tt -3I 10 10 If HILLSIDES. a.b. r.

BeWv l.f. 4 1 Keyser, e.A 5 1 Berman, p. 4 1 Lefflerjlh. Decker, 3b, 4 0 Fisher, 3b. 0 VsnSplInter, cf 4-3 c.

Gruber, r.y. 4 4 p.e. 7' 1 3 7 0 tm a I I tiaatance aU 'i 1 0 3 A 0 e. -in the picture aa if coming right fiffNt 4. Attractive prise will ont Into the composite Lace of the Offered for th winners bad audience.

jrunhers-up teams with special "If good deal easier thaaPrto ladles. Th sched-maklng a bola-in-oae, said Bobby. ule to as toUowa: "I bad been playing golf eome 34 1 211 vn. 2: vsTl; v. The Carroll Bros bssshall I Will Invade EaslsMn P'k tu rep evening and meet th I abd Quackenbnsh fsa ia si O' League game Jl1 Caprine will have Jak Bob Caseon, Bam Conti, Van Splinter to rail on for sf duty, with Scuily Telot tbe piste.

Tb Carrolls would like to I from tbe Fair Laws Rr4 9 Commona Midland Psrk West Peterson A a4 their rivals, the Chsttun Dye Works, Writs to A) CWj 03 Wayne nvemie, Psterf- Total ,,..38 7 34 Th score by ioBlngs: Hillsides ill ies 098 Carrolls 399 993 -4a 10 Bartell of tha PbiUiea played as a kid. John ay was always a third baseman and captained the high school team- before ha graduated Scora by iaaings- into tha professional gam Ha Mohawks 421 19 ls 19 had a brief trial with Saa Aatonio Racketeers Jfil 449 fist jot tha Taxaa Lea got after raceiv- CaMmsry: A boms rua by Q. fng his diploma from high school MartinaiU of rhs losing team; he alto was given a whirl by third circait by Bruno Tort and Fort fimith of tho Wasters Aet Joo Isnocenti of the winning tesm; elation.4 A short term Is temi)ro a two-bsse hit by Tony MarcbUtr ranks followed and thro, three and Syirio Penagrtao of ths Mo- years ago. ha was Uken on by h- Oakland, Ha soon won recognition Pitchers Mohawks. Brino Tocl: as tha beat third-mtfcker la the Raekateec, to Bonfidle and Dom-fCoH League and practically every kittle Marino.

Dominick Merino, big league clah sent scouts west former pitcher of the East Pater-to look bias over. He bit 44 home Hohawk. pitched for the runs ts 1923 aad 49 a year ago. For a Urn it spoored that he .2 tha War-would go to Pittsburgh, but the P0JB.l Cab the Mohawks'! Pirates balked oa tha price whereas 1 Pr I th' Gliita didnt sq Babble. Ver 1U, ira Bf pt- tneideauiiy-l of French de- and one br ffunloy Roslssky and1 -r- Rosario Zappaia.

scent aad not Mexicaa as manr thought when bis yearn when I got my only 1 3: va. 19. 127 at th lith hole. East Lake; I Jib ItL-n. 7: I a shot of 37 yards.

Im glad ttT. 20 3 didnt wreck ths camanu' But they fold me to bit tt If I could. 4 TA 1: 1 5 tl'L June ttt v. 5 19; 3 va 3: 4 ta 1. Th new Radiance P.

D. baseball team defeated tbe faet-going Consolidated baseball team ia a btrd-leught game by7 the score of 13-19. Eddie Fallelll started for the Radiance Dyqfb and pitched weil for fir Innings and then be weakened aad was relieved by Tony Lucas, whs held them for the rest of the game. The feature ef the gam was Jo D1 Gindiol triple with the base loaded. which turned the margin ef victory in favor of th Radiance.

John Morere played a good defensive gams in' the outfield, with eight polenta. The Radiance would Ilka te hear. from Strong'' P. D. Chatham end team of like strength Address Mike Alfane at tb Radiance offices.

Cards Fail to Help Redwings IPORTSLAAffs Th I Korks lit IU I ito Ai I (ocit toners 10 to Ron 1 toMtiOd has an! Wine, a DU Is Bans; I I tpct lk scxi till rikhlng toll? 81 1 Dy AT ph I tow, smBi sterna tf tohlcy Th hi v. va 7 July 210 va 3 va' 7: I va 1 VA fr 3 VA 3. July 0 v. SMfi ta 3 va 3 v. 1 va 4.

July J9-5 va 4- 3 ta 1 va 7 3 VA 10 Vi. 0. July 337 ta IsCta JM va 4 ta 10; ta 0. July 303 ta 10; 7 ta 4 ta 9 ta 1 ts. 3.

Rochester Unable to Holt Commanding Position In International 1 Decathlon Hope Add Jsm Mortensen. tb former isterceilegiate JareUn champion and a-eaptain or Soutbera California's track team, to tbe American Olympic prospects for tbe decathlon nett year. Mortensen, a rangy, capahl nth-let wbe else starred in football, recently ran np astonlshiug Lost Nightl Fights "I August 40 ta 3 ta 10 va va 4: 7 va i. Teems Snoto by innings: B. P.

4U Be Cflb tf 3t 91k 9 9 4, rr- ATTENTION MANAGERS Number one Georg Trealer Hn. total of 1.014 4 point for tbe ten- n. practice River-Ler 81o BB event grind side. Cal. Records can't Wrestling Last Night kroken workout but this perf ormasee gt(m Msnxc surpassed th best Americas mark fUr New York A1 phis, and Jo Bsrbirk, -drewr(5: N108 Bayonne.

N. J-. ksorked ty Babbitt. New York. II Charlotte.

N. -J Canada outpointed Ad Chapel Hill. N. Lynchburg, Va wood, Washington, Smith, New York, DrAj Tdsr erlo Tlliss( I owe ISchoth Bur Tbe Riverside Crescent would tike te book games with any team within a radius of fifty miles, this includes teems from th aad league. Tb Crescent have tbe pick of th lower Riverside section who bar been playing ball for oetsida- teems but her gotten together in order to represent tb Rtrereld section.

Are desirous of pitying each team as Ualteda, Halt Mooes, Hawthorne Eagles aad the Blee Caps. Address 11 communication te Sammy Mandril, 153 East Kino-leant street or phone BHerwood end indicated Mortensen is qasll- nOIBi fied te tackle tb world rerordLrt! 0 hTf" th 'l 09 mrt rf, tV.I DTe, tb 400 metere 11.4 for th. Humber fire George Eaton add Mr. Kriedler and etere, 15.4 for th fame first drift- There are tricks lB every East golfer may actually Eddie Marshall Is ouly twa years himself. It's sound sens to under the Verges, but be ha been do Tba confidence In shot tho property of the New Tork be eeubllshed.

Take "Long elnb ainw 1329. He first attrjvt-J Jl" Barnet, for example, former ed attention while starring ror America and British open the University bf Mississippi and champ. Jln knew that if ba hvok! into -or gsnlxed bail with thejconld ppuch with confidence Vicksburg club of tb Colton most alt of his golf trouble wart Ststsa League 1 1927. On hrr. prompted to am II ever the fsetj Ton see the pros ail drive well that when be became ritroUsfied ud esatlly certain putter.

tn Vicksburg, a management of The dividing line between win-that outfit permitted him to pur-jnisg and losing a title rests with chase htrrelcas for tha puny sum tbe irons. Jim et about master-ef 125.00. after which be sold htsUng bia own confidence ta his own services te Beesmont of tb Texas ability to lay them near the pie. League for a really worth while He gained bis end by practicing amount ef cash. The tents bought! Such shots la this way.

He would bins fro Beesmont sad farmed place handkerchief on th fefrt Mm out to Bridgeport, recsllmgj way and hen pitch to it Wbon him tbit earns fait after be had get so yew can lay them lad an Easters Loans shortstop around each a target, hitting a fielding. His vain to the rroew la a cinch. It aaama ao Mr Giants was proves test year aed Welter Hag gulped kta tarty gain tbit spring when be eterrofi fame fey tiat ef similar etnnt, tnt Trori Jictiesi he i r-e ska it aaa in tomorrow's ia lag Intervale wkea the 7 yL u. nt ef t2e 4 1 I Ifll ir tb By the Associaud Press Although they have received strong reinforcements from' the parent SL Louis Cardinals Since the -season began, the Rochester Red Wing nr finding It difficult to regain th commending position they bar held for the last throe years In tb International league. After baring climbed as high a second place for brief etay, Billy Southworths crew skidded back to third again yesterday when they dropped a 4 to 5 decision to tbe Montreal- Royals, The Royal at the acme time climbed inte the ranaer-np position to the Newark Bears.

Herman Bdf was pounded tor seven bits end it ran ta the first throe Innings, lend Rochester never eonljl overcome. Pomorait allowed th Wing 11 hlu, (be 1 am number hia mates mad off fper Rochester fltoger. feat he was tight in tb piacbSA Eickkia led the Royal attack with a boar ms W.tb ou ea. v. Defeating Toronto.

10 to 7, in tbr UtM tilt, a night tb I-'o ctiu.hed at rir- Itiri it .1 jr. -rf -v Sr the Associated Fresa. Montreal, Qua-Nick Lotxe. 20. CsIL'ornla, defeated Ctaptoy Btsst-k, 294.

Poised, two fails out of tbreo fStJMlsk, first. Lntxe. aecond. 14:40, aad third. 10:949.

Cincinnati Jsrit Reynolds, 10514. defeated Johnny Csrlia. XIT, Sweden. Straight fail, 23:10 aad 2:29. 110-meter high burdlre.

feat, Inch In tb high Jnmp aad 131 feet in tb Jnrriin show hie qeaU-ficatlona Nember eight James Bhtw and partner. Number ulus Jam 'partner. Number ten George and partner. an early lead, th BtoJ off four pitchers tor A the beventhjnnisf. 18 Each aid but four of the rftro Richardson.

Harris ssd 3-0359 aad nek for M. DeVito. 7 Bob dkio fihawkey. aaeisUat man-er ef tb Jersey City club, is sis back on tb moasd ao a relief bnrlor. I to to Stirr rfty Gill utolVo tor th circuit tor To Crons emecked 09 with two oa baa WHO IWW W1 State will play the feomo-roming date nt the University of Wteceseta, November 14.

Chart "Chick Era, Jr former ustionsi opoai aad amatoar tail ckamploa. piaos te roapeu the Western 'ear at port-toad and I Forth west at tTacb wrwaser. ttwfcae1 getting (( tropt ri Met seer's leeffet Kxprirfcm KNt uO a.3 oa, Tb Foaeeea-Ksmm trad ,1 lUrt Wt aed Tklw 1 i a t. CT1 f-; tfcii'J r-y, Jr enth. Four Toronto sit-them by: Morehesrt.

1 In the The four the lesding s-q c-. snd I 1 I g-4 e-feeduJhd..

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Article information

Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Views: 6350

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Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.