Buffalo Courier from Buffalo, New York (2024)

rrXTT A nrvrmmT at a- -rr COURT CALENDARS XTexr lie Tzisca" Sise. RATE ONE CENT A WORD aV srsf S3. City HaB. The Hon. Frank rC laughlin.

Justice presiding. Court ad- lournedto May 21st at 10 a. m. x107. Pina Maya-81sal Co.

vs. The Geo. Squier Company. Charles IX Millard tor John Chlpman tor 16S. Margaret QulnlAn vs.

Patrick Qulnlan. Staples. Noonan Staples for John T. Ryan for dft 162. Charles J.

Deckdp vs. Edwin G. S. Miller et all Fred Greiner tor Otto W. Volirer.

Thog, N. Boyd and Franklin R. Brown for-dft 198. Antonio: Mellllo vs. Matilda Spagmiola.

Hug-hson Daniels for HO. Lahsa for dft 290. Annie jGoldrinsrer vs. Samuel Goldring-er. Herman Hennlg- for John C.

Hubbell for dft 211. Robertson Electric Company vs. German American Bank et aL Cox, Kimball Stows fori James Beecber and Walter Jenkins for dft 237. Assets Realisation Company Vs. Charles Howard and one 66.

Alburtha M. Burrhen vs. Hamburg Ry. Co. t.

et- ali Thayer Tuttle White for Bissell, Carey Cooke. Daniel W. Alln. Rogers. Iocke Baboock.

Moot Spraeue, BrowneQ Marcy, Pooley ft Spratt, Frank Rumsey for drt 17. G. W. Maytham vs. Edward C.

Maytham et aL Ticknor ft Pierce for WiniamiBj Wright Jr for dft 86. rorothyj Helnike vs. Wilhelmlxa Bundschu. Charles Newton for Jacob Stem for dft 69. Frank B.

Balrd vs. Erie R. R. Co. Bissell Riley tor Moot Sprague, Brownell Sc Marcy for dft.

82. Niagara Loan Association vs. Ade-Mne Bentley. i Charles Newton for W. W.

Saperston for dft 183. Catherine Forster and one vs. Andreas Giltttser and one. Jacob Stern foX.oltr-5 Newton ft Gerfodette for dft 215. Sarah F.

Lyth and one. individually and as executors, vs. Alfred Lyth. Bartlett ft CnamoeFlsin for Cummins ft Cummlngs for dft 222. William! H.

Granger et Vs. Buffalo Cold Storarer Co. Bartlett Sc Chamberlain for pltf.i; Norton Bros, for drt. 83. Josephine M.

Sprague vs. The Buffalo ft Susadehanna Ry. Co. Abbott ft Abbott for pltf. 5 Bissell.

Carey ft Cooke for dft. 149. Teresa' Jann Buffalo ft Lake Duckwitx. West A venae, northeast aids near Hudson Street 5 feet front $1- fiarah Staub to Henry Av Miller, northwest corner Farmer and Guernsey streets feet front tX. Edward G.

Arnold to James W. Nicholson, Congress Street, oast "side, 245 feet south. Lafayotto Avenue, SO feet front St Ida F. Ranncy to Anna Krapp, Orchard Place, south side, 24 feet east Fairfield Street, 28 feet front W-T Josephine Roberts to Horrce 0 Lansa, Seventh Street oast side feet south Vermont Street. 40 feet front.

Heirs of Frank Beer to Burton H. Brownell, Balcom Street, south side, 51 feet west Main treet feet front Sl James W. Nicholson to William R. and one. Congress Street oast side, 245 feet south Laisyette Avenue, feet front, fL J4Nlchoi 10 Cydrey A.

Dunham, THJihast Place, north side. 39 feet Parksldo Avenue, sO feett front Erie Savings ft Loan Association to Andrew Zeits and one. Kilhoffer Street east side. 428 feet north Genesee Street feet front $1. i Charles R.

Wilson ot aL to "Henry S. Norris. Dorchester Road, north side, S5 feet front Frerick A. Pitkin and ono to John T. Pitkin.

TUlinghast Place, north side, 240 feet west Parkaklo Avenue. 60 feet front I aisriraret C. Allen et aL, by attorney, to Buffalo Paragon Wall Plaster Con-pany. New York Central lands, west side, 163.S feet south Breckenrldgs Street 100 fet front. tL i Lewis F.

Allen, by trustee, to same, New York Central lands, weat side. 1SS.25 et south Breckenrldgo Street 100 foot front $5,000. Edwin S. Webster to Jacob Goodman, Moreland Street north side, 520 feet east Bailey Avenue, 30 feet front Caroline Zeis to Jchn J. Fiock.

Gold Street west side, 610 1 feet north Reimann Street 80 feet front I Archibald M. Hasasd to Edwin G. Miller, southwest corner Niagara and Mohawk streets. 8 feet front, 81. Olive Griffin et aL to Clara O.

Griffin, Woodlawn Avenue, north side. 82 feet east Chester 84 feet front tL 6s.mo to Edwin Woodlawn Avenue, north side, 68 feet west Chester Street 84 feet front SL 1 ROCHESTER CaJENDAR. i Rochester, May additions to dav calendar for tomorrow. ippELULTSJ DIVISION CALENDAR. Albany, N.

May 7. Appeuate Division, third department, calendar tor Friday: No. 12. IS, 18. 20.

87, 0, CL ft SUPREME COURT. Part I. Room 22. I City Hall. The Hon.

Cuthbert W. Pound, Justice For Friday, May Sth. dear. 1733L El win R. Mugrldge vs.

Peter Ber-Jlnghoft et aL Sullivan Bagley tor Eugene Warner for dft Held. 43S. Martin Mulligan vs. Pennsylvania SR. R.

Co. and others. George H. Kennedy for Frank Rumsey and Frank H. 4Serrodette for dft Held, C29.

Mary M. Fuller vs. International Co. Corcoran Corcoran for, iNorton. Penney A Sear for dft.

66, Clara Holt a vs. Edward lO'Malley A Smith, for Aarutt Becker for dft 1731. Francis G. Barnes as admlnlstra- MoCall Jackson for Norton. Penney Bear and I E- Desbecker for dft 221.

Hector Vervack vs. N. Y. C. H.

R. R. R. Co. L.

P. Hanco*ck for Ipltf-: Pooley A Spratt for dft I 869. Joseph Runfola. as administrator, vs. the Prudential Bull dinar (Company.

Charles W. Strong- for C. B. Glbbs for dft 901. Maria Pignata Nicosia, aa adminfa.

tratrbr. vs. Erie Preserving Company. H. O.

Lanza for Hoyt A Bprait for dft 1455. Elizabeth xfivhg.v administratrix, etc, va.N. Y. Co. Charles A.

Smith for Hoyt A Spratt for dft 1489. Morgan B. Oarlock, as receiver, vs. the Fire Association of Philadelphia. Bartlett A Chamberlain for Busbnell A Metcalf for dft 1 1667.

Norma Kadlng-. by guardian, etc vs. Buffalo Specialty Company. White A Sayles for E. o.

Mansfield for dft 1T87. JohnHannon vs. Town of Elma. Tloknor A Pierce for Hamilton "Ward for dft 1789. Josephine Ban da.

by jruardlan, eta. vs. William H. Granger et aL Horace O. Lanza for Bartlett A Chamberlain for dft 183.

Amida Kulaw vs. New York Central Hudson River Railroad Company. Seaver A Beaver for tiltf. Hoyt A Spratt for dft 1819. Valeria Dudarewlcs.

as administratrix, etc. vs. Erie R. R. Co.

and one. John V. Maloney for pltf Moot Snrasrue. Brownell A Ma rev. Charim Newton for dft SUPREME COURT.

Part IL Room 94. City Hall. The Hon. Charles B. Wheeler.

I'jstice, presiding-. For Friday. May th. On trial: No. 92.

Edwin R- Wheat as administrator, vsj City of Buffalo. Nelson T. Barrett fot L. E. Desbecker for dft Held.

3. Albert J. Enrol vs. International RajMway Company. Thayer, Tuttle A Wkite for Norton, Penney A Sears fori dft ip.

Ellen Finkler, as administratrix. vs. uemsn alter itauroaa Co. Kantsch A Miller for BlsselL Carey Cooke for dft. 1778.

Ellen McEnerny vs. Buffalo Union Furnace Co. and one. Oeorre H. Kennedy for Hoyt A Spratt for dft ISIS.

Albert L. Peters, as executor, vs. Amelia L. Smith, individually, and as executrix, etc Percy S. Lans-downe for fi.

I Domlnick for dft 616. Joseph Stock vs. N. T. H.

R. R. R. Co. John Cunneen for Albert H.

Harris for dft 612. Norman Bar let vs. International Ry. Co. Donnelly.

O'Neill Grass for Norton, Penney Bears for dft. 622. Henry Ertell. as administrator, vs. International Ry.

Co. Bushnell Metcalf for Cohn Chorman for dft. 608. George H. Slckels vs.

Julius I. Block. Pank E. Kick els for Eujrene Warmer for dft 650. Annie Bgler vs.

L. S. M. S. R.

R. Co. John H. Closton for Lockwood. Hoyt Greene for dft 676.

James MeMahon vs. L. R. R. Co.

O'MalUy Smith for Rogers. Locke Babco*ck for dft 680. Daniel J. Barry vs. International Ry.

Co. White Fennelly for Norton. Penney Sears for dft 708. Phebe E. Philip vs.

International Ry. Co. and one. Sullivan Bagler for Norton, Penney Sears for dft 716. William L.

Pierce vs. International "Ry. Co. C. I Feldmnn for Norton.

Penney 4c Sears for dft SUPREME COURT, Equity Term. Room "It gives) the Greatest Satisfaction." at Is Always TJs to Date," "It Is Clesm, Brla-ht aad Wnole- "It is Entertalmiagr sad D00C BOARD AND XIOOHS. Ada, sssw tain bend no cwt a 41 OT r- riH nttm hftisVfl tsnAsne rlV transients aooommodatod; hotel sw- 47 chippewa the' Furnished hnnuVu. ments and sleeplns; rooms, OA Good board and single rooms, week; excellent meals. 1 8rr W.

CIIIPPKTWA-D I -lore, suitable for doctor's i muucuraif ana naUMlresslng park mma lunniflN sleeping roor i 1 "I MARTNER PRONT room With kitchen fnrnU piste; hot water alwsys, 1 14f5 JL BTREETEXCr tioaally well and newly lfurr.1 pbone lroomi vrjr venieos; lGS SSSJ11 THE PKU-T -AUO Rooms slnrls or en suite; clsas, homelike; ladies or genUei-x 178 N.PEAHlPTJSARANT SIKGI.T1 r-tj BeU jhons -1 25V? PJ-FF1 PLEA BAN turnaW nomi; lowest' ratei. 288 RJBiLm (PRIVATE 1lOT. f-yg Vr 357 RSti AV-THK' DELANO. rooms; hot. and ooi i rm '1 41 PiEAIr1' STREET NEWLT nished rooms now ready.

for r-t. 497 NEAR UTICA TTVO P'" font rooms, second floor; J-TlfL. ioorta: hardwood oors; I elusive use of porcelain bath, 1298 STET LARO A1KY tZZZ X.P' "rst-clasa table, bru- locality bleb cu comfortable and hom*oUke; prb aprlStmayvi aroldlns OTpsnso, wasto of I time. 1 have sotacUy the room or location you homey, rooms with privat wf-H rn7tr' wlth "or without board, housekeeping apartments, fur. ntahed flats and aousos are all listed witr OTn? -aako a oelectloa or rt ing and Znmrmation Eaipott Bquare.

aprrftmTrr rrHK DlNij Wmn a A provides hom*ollko surrouadiags. sanitary heating, too night; 88 week upward: 1 nn TJXRT PLEASANT HOMU FOR ON'I3 v. or two young ladies; every comfort; private home) reasonable, pi prorct Aveuuo. 1 I TT7ELL-FURNISHED FRONT PAR-' lor, with kitchen prlvlleires; yood rs Identtal location. Phono Frontier dm.

7t1 YOU SHOULD SEND USjA LIST Ol" your rooms for rent each week; ws tray-'have now Just the people you want. Miller's Advortlslng and Information 1 1 n-reau. 4q KlUcott Pqnaro. GENTLEMAN WISHES BOARD AND room to strictly private family, vs Side. Address M.

Buffalo Courier. TORAGIS. Ada. wadov tkls kead saa eoat a wore. IQH GRADE STORAGE; FURNI-.

ture oarted free. Plaoo rour able household goods tho same as you would bank your money; 'examine the storage rooms and the record of th firm. Wo have the largest and finest and climes, warehouse between Chlcairo and Nr Tork. with the lowest rateiof insurance dust proof rooms. The rooms In ot)ir warehouses are made of slats.

No hor- kept in building, no factory 1 not be deoetved by anyonajbe your Judge. Furniture stored, movod. rsck and shipped by responsible 'men. Let mri Mm mtat In i. I 2a.H mi vur Own Delivery A Storage Front Avu.

and Oeorgla Btreet. it i AMERICAN HOUSEHOLD STORAOn Company; general offlce. 901 Chamber of Com meres; warehouse. Niagara fctrff both telephones. sprmmnyia GILT-EDO FURNITUKR carted free; new, practiosJly firs-proof warehouse with fire-proof 1 vaults; mt complete, cleanest kept storehouso In It-.

Stats; away from factory or rallroajl smoke; no hot sea kept in building; stars only furniture, separated, Hooked rooms; estimates given for moving, packm-. storing or shipping furniture; xperienri men; both or call. attention given to goods wmiimul or shipped to our care. Main and GlonwrKxi Avenue, Cold Spring Storage Co. 8U3 'MOWBT WANTED.

Ada. nnSev tkls bead one cent a' WANTED AT ONCE, 82.0(10 ON farm, loan to run i years. Fltd A Nevlnger, Room 48 Lewis Block. Ti.l CLAIRTOTAXT. Ada.

andov this ttoad A's FOR REGULAR READING OUC Massppa. Buffslo's I leading tr- 1 medium, business adviser and palm: will tsaok you to win the man or you love; reunites the isopermted, WUlUirn Ptrsst. "A THE. TOLLS PA JlL present and future; unites -rated; controls your enemies: tells to 1 beoomo prosperoas. AchlUos kn no btlnrs good luok to alL 160 ln-a UT sts1rs, I- Mrs.

king, spiritual irirrrj palmist, tells regarding tous.fH a sltlons. love, sickness, lawsuits, r. toils whom and when you ti rr r. North Dtvhiion Street. i sr-n QUEEN ALICE OUINEVETtX, VJLZ 1st can tell past, prase r.t fu tore.

830 Pearl Btreet. PROF. VONDROLL. TRANCE dlum. 4t Mlohigaa Street.

Eagle end Clinton. ART J. SCOTT. 13 MORGAlf ET. i 1.2 MEDICAL.

Ada. wador tain 81 end ARLINGTON OF NEW TORK. I netie treatments, baths. Ill Assistant. mREATMENTS AND BATHSA JL ta.

tha only Now Tork West Huron. 9 NIAGARA ST. MANICURT3; telephone number, Seneca 1 eta rnREATMENTS AND BATII3. JL 817 ElHoott 1 OO COURT HOT BATHS. OIL blngs; elegant treaunants; re: bio.

2(y court this is the pun get good treatments: on here cures rheumatism, backaches. aehlnsr feet and knees. Also hot alcohol rubbings; individual hot 1 refined operators. DR. SALTER.

CONFIDENT! AX. suiting physician. 89 Broa5-i falo. spr- ST. MARR TREATMENTS baths.

11 Niarara, 8d floor. mREATMENTS AND BATIL A 22t Pearl Btreot Norwood TnEATiiirnrr' i and manicuring, il Ptreet LADIES DR. Is FHAKCO pound; safe, spsedy rTjiator, druggists or mails boist, Xrea. pranoo, Phuadalphla. tnfhll.f wt rn QT ND 88 NIAG AHA 4 LXj Ol Try my rood resuui.

vapors. Soverai treatmsnts. 1 tng. Eleven until ten. T70X.

OF 18 COX A moved to treatmnt; baths. Vapors. ill mr 1 1 a i 1 PERSOJCALS. ASs. aader this head at a GOODGB STREET ANXIOUS TO bear from you.

Reply Denver Sunday Rocky Mountain News. Kindest love. r-Jackr tflO WANTED DEMOCRATS OF THE counties of Erie, Wyoming-. Chautauqua, Cattaraugus. Orleans.

Genesee, Niagara and Alleghany, to Join the Democratic Society of Western New York. For particulars address CI Brisbane cunning, Buffalo. K. Y. maygtnovS TIXE-NU BHOB REPAIRING CO.

Tho largest plant in the world. A complete manufacturing plant applied to repair work. Repairing- while you wait. Men's oak soles and heels sewed. fL- 47 Court Street.

opposite Shea's Theater). Otto Geyer. proprietor; Frontier apriormsyf PERSONAL LOOK AT ABEL'S fS band-mads dress suit case at 8: nothing like It in Buffalo. 621 Mam Street Tnyl.0.tf ffiEBES TAN8Y PILLS FOR WOMEN. JL $LO0, at Coulson's, 143 8sneca Street prist may 15 PERSONAL A FEW SECOND-HAND trunks for sale cheap, at Farel's Trunk Store.

521 Main Street. im PERSONAL TOU WILL FIND TUB largest lino of trunks, traveling- bags, suit cases, at Jacob Stumm'a. 48 Seneca Strot ltll SOFT AND STIFF HATS RE MOD-eled. SL Berst's, Mala and Mohawk. itn TO NO WE MAKE.

CLEAN. PRESS ana repair ciotbesT 228 Pearl Street; phones. Berth, Tailor, aprzjtmaysj Qr: OKTON FURNACE. CHESTNUT. $4.80 ton large pea; delivered into cellar or shed at above tirlosa.

Connell Anthracite Mining Co 1177 Syy air. ore Street; both phones. mayltil MINEHANS HAIR STORE MOVED to at Franklin Street. raayttjual EEDS THAT GROW. CLARK'S SEED Store, 59 Seneca Street Its.

PROF. WAGNER, 81 EAST GENESEE Street: Dear Sir For years I have had terrible trouble with my eyes, I tried spectacles from other parties, but never got satisfactory relief. Since yon treated me for muscular unbalance and fitted me with the proper kind of glasses, all eye strain IS removed aad my eye restored to usefulness and rest I can strongly recommend 1 you to all naving eve trouble as a professional ore Special ist and reasonable In price. Thankfully' yours, unariea j. Bcnmiut, ursy street.

xs REMOVED FROM 84 SENECA ST. TO 650 Main. Watch crystals five cents, main springs fifty, eyes tested free; all work guaranteed. Freeman Jewelry Co. I 8t LAWN GRASS SEEDS AND FIRTTL-lxers.

Clark's Seed Store, 58 Seneca Street. StS. FOR TWO WEEKS TREATMENT 3w by Dr. Stearns, 89 West Genesee st Nervous and chronlo diseases cured with vegetable remedies; cures guaranteed: describes disease without asking- -questions, free of charge. No charge for extra advice during treatment, commonly required by other physicians, i 1 itll PRACTICAL REPAIRING OF CASH rertsters.

Hall wood a specialty, by F. Wagner. 81 East Genesee Street. aprtltmaylO PANAMA AND STRAW HATS a bleached and rotrlmmed. Beret, Main and Mohawk.

7 til PERSONAL-TRUNKS AND BAGS JUO-p aired at Farel's. 621 Main Street mayl.oe.tf NATURE'S REMEDY STOMACH AND bowel troubles: sample tree for stamp. Royal Remedy Brisbane SAie Bldg. FREE CONCERT COME AND HEAR the fine string musle every day- from eleven-thirty to two. and flvs-thrrty to eight, at the Bohemian Lunch, 18 West Eagle Street.

The Bohemian Lench Is a nigh-class, popular-price restaurant for ladles and gentlemen where only the best is served and the service Js the Movnro. Ads. aader this bead oao eeat' a word. MOVING MADE EAST BY ENGAO-Ing a responsible firm to take all the worry from you. 1 Pianos hoisted.

Call us up. Both phonos. Our Own Delivery A Storage Front Ave. and Georgia street i lttl Ads. aader this ttoad oao eent a word.

VX7E FRAME PICTURES TO-ORDER; VV latest designs; lowest prices. Etkow ft Koufman. 158 Seneca. 8 tret ltSl RUBBER STAMPS. Ads.

aader this aead ooat a word. THE BEST IMPRESSIONS ARE MADE with Gibson's rubber stamps, A. Gibson corner North Division and Washington. I mayltSO Nights." on Tuesday evening-. May 12th, at 8:15 o'clock, at Women's Union HalL for the benefit of the Children's Aid Society.

I WOMEN'S UNION DANCING CLASS The Women's Union dancing; class, under the direction of Mia Curtin, closed the season with a (anco last evening in Union HalL sixty were In attendance. Including the class members and 1 their guests. Mrs. Thomas B. Reading, chairman and the other members of the educational committee acted as chape roues.

a The Sewing Circle ot the German Hospital will hold 1 its weekly card party this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Wlppert will have charge. I i lOSSIOS'AST EOCTJCTT.

The Missionary Society of the Richmond Avenue Church of Christ will be entertained this evening by Mrs. J. W. TUlinghast. No, 384 Elmwoed Avenue.

(- i --i GAJJ1S1US JTXNI0B3 LOSS. St Michaels Jrs. easily defeated the Can la is Jrs. In a one-sided contest In the second game ot tho series of three, Joe Fisher pitched three innings for tho Saints. Eddie Arnold, who, succeeded htm, allowed tho college boys but two singles and made ten men fan the air.

The college boys had three, pitchers In the box but each of them was hit hard. Sunday the same tesms will clash for the final and deciding game. The battery for the Saints will be Eddie Arnold and Eugene Whissel. 1 CASTOR I A 1 Icr Infants tad CMtirea. SlsniAtnrs of Weep not that the world changes.

Did It keep A staple, changeless state, were time to weep. I Improve thou with it strive to rise by stealth, A Courier ad. may pare I the 'way to wealth, 1 1 1 llaj nxcursions via TTew Tork Cen v- trsl Lines. i "Rochester, 1 45, Ontario P.es I' i. fri i tr I.

evry v. r-r. FUHJii'iCAis RKPArrtnto. Ada, aader tkla bead one eent a word. HAVE TOUR FURNITURE RE-UP-holstered.

rsflniahsd, etc. at The Reliable Furniture Works. Masten and Lan-rsl streets; both phones. aprl6tmayl4 VERANDA ROCKERS RESEATED and chairs caned. L.

Noeller'a Sons, 47 Locust Street tl FfTRXmniB WAltTSrs, Ads. ander tkln bead one eent a word. X7K PAT CASH FOR SECOND-HAND furniture, stoves. stc East Side Auction House, 23g Seneca St Frontier phone. ltSl WANTED TO BUT FOR CASH AN-tlque furniture, old feather beds, old-fashioned china, -plates, platters, drop postal will call.

It. H. P. Allen, General Delivery, Buffalo. 8U7 CASH REGISTERS, Ads.

aader this kead sat eent a word. LF. WAGNER. 91 EAST GENESEE Street repairs all kinds of cash registers and time recorders: agent for the Hall wood cash register best references. apr21tmay2Q HOTELS.

Ads. aader tats kead aao eeat a word. HOTEL VICTORIA. 670 MAIN ST. Newly furnished; American plan, $L3S upward: central location; elevator, steam heat; au cars pass the door; single rooms BCe per day upward.

ltSl SEEDS AND BULBS. Ads. aader tbla head one it a word. SWEET PEA SEEDS. FIFTT VARIE-tles.

Clark's Seed Store, 59 Seneca Street. 8t TTiLOWER SEEDS FOR SPRING BOW-X? ing. Clark's Seed Store, 59 Seneca Street. St SEEDS THAT GROW. CLARK'S SEED Store, 69 Seneca Street St9.

LAWN GRASS SEEDS AND FERTILI-zers. Clark's Seed Store. 59 Seneca Street St. INSTRUCTION. Ads.

aader this kead one at a Word. DANCING NEW BEGINNERS class Tuesday, Friday; barn dancs taught Socials Thursday, Saturday. Dramatic, voice culture, music classes dally. Private lessons. Toil learn to dance In ono week.

Walker's, 649 Main Street Bt9 LOST AND FOUND. Ads. aader tals bead one eeat a word. LOST AN OLD BLUE ENVELOPE ON Friday. May 1st containg over $40,000 In notes, a $50 check on Pittsburg bank and some money.

The money and more added as reward for its return. J. T. care Buffalo Courier. stlO JCVUND OPPOSITE IROQUOI8 A1 Hotel, 8 East Eagle, same quality and styles suits and cravanette raincoats (as are shown other places at fifteen and eighteen) sold all the time for only 89.99.

Why pay more? Worth while to look up the place. Shulman Standard System. St LOST FOX TERRIER; DOG AN-swers to name Harry; white with brown spots on eyes. Return to C. P.

Morrlssey 115 Tenth Street Liberal reward. 8t9 MOOTS TO LOAN. Ada, aader this kead one eeat a word. SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS furnished money upon their own names, without security; easy payments: offices In 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first D. H.

Tolman. 483 Ellicott Square. aw.gga.06.tf TOANS AT TWO PER CENT ON DIA-4 monds and furniture. Fidelity Credit 390 EUloott Square. Private offices.

msyStJunl NATIONAL LOAN 688 ELLICOTT cash advances made to salaried employes; steady position and honesty the only requirements; easiest terms and lowest rates in city; no application fee. ec27.mon, wed rl, sun tf EAST TO GET. EAST TO PAT. WE procure money for working people, their promise to pay Is our security. Why mortgsge your furniture? You don need to.

we require no mortgage or endorser. All business strlctlv con. fldential. If you need money call and see us before borrowing elsewhere. Buffalo Discount Room 433 Ellicott Square.

Room 438. 1 26tf Cuth.be rt W. Pound, Justice presiding. May 7, 1903. Laura Black vs.

The Oneida Community. Limited. Jury verdict for no cause of action. Supreme Court Part IT- The Hon. Charles B.

Wheeler. Justice Hay 7, 1808. American Palace Steam Laundry vs. International Railway Company. Jury verdict of no cause of action.

County Court The Hon. Harry L. Taylor, Judge. Slay 7, 1808. The Elmira Mutual Building A Loan Association vs.

Charles F. Brunn. Judgment of foreclosure and sale. Carlton T. Hackett to selL Pelagla Putzhzak vs.

Michael Budney et aL Order granted to pay dver moneys In partition. Robert S. Donaldson vs. Frank Herschi ler et aL Order directing county treasurer to pay over moneys. Louise G.

Eckhert vs. Frank J. Geser et aL Judgment of foreclosure and sale, William W. Brown, referee, to selL Ellen Byrne "vs. Patrick Byrne et al.

Final order of confirmation, Surrogate's Court The Hon. Louis B. Hart, Surrogate. Hay 7, 1808. Nellie G.

Moyer. Judicial settlement Edward J. Gram for petitioner; R. D. Lythe for respondent Adjourned to May 15th.

William J. Mahoney. Show cause. Same appearances. Adjourned to May 21st Ellen Mahoney.

Show cause. Same appearances. Ado jurned to May 21st Joseph Holway. Show cause. Adjourned to May 12th.

Marian Hsrraden. Show cause, Hubert F. Mlnard for petitioner. Adjourned to May 21st" Municipal Court The Hon. Clark H.

Hammond and the Hon. Deyoe P. Hodson, Hay 7, 1808. The following Judgments were rendered In favor of the plaintiffs: Joseph M. Shom*o vs.

Moore's Business Exchange. $29.35. Nathaniel Gorham vs. Albert F. Alrd.

$77.8. Mary Jurk vs. Charles O. Faller. S22L6S.

Decisions By Hammond, John G. Helvey vs. Charles Dennis. Judgment for plaintiff. $33.10.

Charles Rohloff ts. Fred Rohloff. Judgment for plaintiff, 8432.98. Michael Burreno vs. Joseph Guereno.

Judgment for plaintiff, $28.70. Paul Dchllnger ts. Kate Fox. Judgr-ment for plaintiff, 82L40. Pecisions By Hodson, J.

Percy G. Lahey vs. AA Pencil Company ot aL Judgment tor plaintiff, $227.17. Eddlsoa P. Trim vs.

Peter Sinery. Judgment for plaintiff, $15.45. Peter Toner vs. John Hag-en. Judgment for defendant Xor non-suit and for Kg cOStS.

Buffalo Specialty Company rs. Dora E. Moore et aL Judgment fer plaintiff, $115.50. Elisabeth Silver vs. Kste Dillon.

Judgment for plaintiff, $31.60. compx res ciiAiirrT. The Buffalo Players Club, under the direction of Miss Kcttir, nill rrent tte Ltres-cct t-zzi" The weather outlook can't always be bright. Many dayc in Spring and Summer, too, a light weight Overcoat is a threat comfort and a Kaincoat a great protection. Spring Overcoats and Raincoats, $15 to $35..

Bright days you'll be proud to show your Spring Suitif it's from here. Spring Suits, $16 to $35. 410-14 HAIR ST. Timothy E. Murphy to Buffalo Savings Bank.

ApriL 1904. Ira B. Anwden to Erie County Savlnge Bank, July. 1897. 1 Wuliam F.

Gleason to sane. July. 1S96. Chattels. Gust "Well to Lena Well.

$285. Buffalo Printing Company to Brewers' Union No. 4 et aL. $900. John Wissing and one to Enos A Sanderson $900.

Jennie M. Colvln to D. F. Glassmire, $100. i Anna Slick and ono to American Credit Company.

$56. ICatherlne Chapman and one to same, $25. RENEWAL. Vincent Kozlowski to American Credit Company, $200. Mechanic's Liens." George Hohman vs.

Kathrln Bowes, owner and Charles Braun, contractor, Buffalo. $40. JudaTxnents. Chsrles H. Fargo In favor of Klluck facamg company.

9399.37. Stanislaus "Nowak in favor of The Whissel Lumber Company. $467.43, Niagara Pepsin Gum Company in favor of Elizabeth Don. $1,656.99. Pauline Nagt in favcr of Woodford Distilling- Company.

$168.56. LilUan C. Randall in favor ot Ltnneus B. Kllbura, $188.97. Charles G.

FalUrr in favor of Mary formerly Mary Weil, $221.05. Peter Flalkowskl and Theodora Fial-kowskl in favor of Frank DembinskL $60.60. Frederick Rohloff In favor of Charles Rohloff. 8432.98. John H.

Lynch and James A. Ross (John H. Lynch not personally served with summons), jn favor ot Jacob Baum, 839.90. James M. Rozan in favor of Percy G.

Lapey, 8227.17. James M. Dobbins in favor of Buffalo Concrete Stone A Brick $330.56. Nellie S. Funnell in favor of Harry S.

DeOeu, 87L49. Lis Pendens. Claudius Nlemand vs. Nelson S. Hallett and one.

Buffalo Wright MltchelL Prosper Peuqjfiet. vs. Oeorge L. Peuauet et Tone wanda E. Ouchie.

Supreme Court Special Term The Hon. Louis W. MArcua, Justice presiding. "Hay 1908. Martin Zavicsa vs.

Julia Zavlesa. Order permitting plaintiff to enter final Judgment John J. McDonough va Phoenix Preferred Insurance Company. Order substituting CadwelL Barker A Dann as attorneys for defendant Morris Collins vs. Crosstown Railway Company.

Order discontinuing action. Elisabeth Cultlnan vs. same. Like Emery Carpenter vs. International Railway Company.

Like order. Security Trust Company vs. Mollis D. Wilson and one. Like order.

Metropolitan Mutual Savings A Loan Association vs. Sarah R. King et aL Order discontinuing action. Fred Manns vs. McDonald Engineering Company.

Order removing cause to United States Circuit Court. Abram Harris vs. Charles Law son and one Order requiring plaintiff to give security for costs. Buffalo, Lockport Rochester Rail-wry Company vs. Mary J.

Bowman et al. Order vacating stay and directing payment of moneys to Hsrman W. Arlsman. Grace B. Thomas vs.

George W. Thomas. Order discontinuing action. kf s. same.

Order directing arrest of defendant Ball fixed at $500. Mary E. Daniels vs. Samuel H. Wilke-sod et al.

Order of reference to compute, etc. i Decisions By Marcus, J. The Village of Medina vs. Burt Graves, et aL Upon condition that plaintiff's attorney stipulate to offset any cost he may be, entitled to on the Judgment of condemnation against the award to be made defendants, and not to enforce same by execution until after the final Is made. he1; may enter an order appointing W.

W. Storrs, Garret V. Laughlin and Louis K. Sour commissioners, etc. Thomas Cosgrove vs.

Frontier Telephone Order granting leave to perfect appeal by depositing; costs in Municipal Court nunc pro tunc, upon condition that plaintiff gives security for future costs on appeaL "Supreme Court Part I The Hon. Tenders for Construction of Concrete Walks will be received up to May 18th, tenders to state price per foot and to be accompanied by marked check. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Specifications at clerk's office. Address Town Clerk.

Wetland, and mark "Tenders for Concrete Walk." I H. IV. BOYD, Clorifc WELLAHD. Why stand around in bunches I Waiting for a Job to fall? A Courier Want Ad. will find you.

work Erie Tt action Company; Kenefick. Cooke A Mitchell tor Andrus for dft i COUNTY COURT. Criminal Term. Taylor. Judg-e.

Room 21. City Hall. The Hon. Harry L. MUNICIPAL.

COURT. Rooms 19 and S9. Municipal Bulldlnsr. The Hon. Clark H.

Hammond and rhe Hon. Devoe P. Hodson. Judges. Fosr Friday, May 8th.

Ida E. Bell vs. Papl Schueffner. Jury, before Hammond, J. Bertha Hoyt vs.

The-baud Bros. John M. Shevlln Wilhelm Telephone Company, i -t Donato Minattl vs. Guiseppe Delllls. Albert G.

Hegel vs; Charles G. KeUer. SURROGATE'S COURT. Room 10, City HalL The Hon. Louis B.

Hart. Surro. gate. For Friday, May 8th. Jano S.

Judicial settlement. Theresa Oehler. Administration. Francesco Valantl. 1 WllL Vita Damlano.

Will-Elmer E. i Rogers. 1 Win. Sidney Mil Sweet Will. Theresa Rung.

Real estate. Flirabeth iLeyden. i Judicial settlement. Edward N. Neff.

Judicial setUement BANKRUPT CT COURT. Erie County District. No. 1108 D. S.

Morgan Build-ing-j The: Hon. W.i H. Hotchkiss. Rsf-eree. No? calendar today.

DEEDS City. William A. Hines to Edward N. Heath Winchester1: Street, west side, 244.2 feet north of Northland Street 30x133. Reward Develcjiment Company to Harriett B.

Store, Olcott Street south side. 126 feet east South Park Avenue, 70x168. and Olcott Street south side, 871 feet east South Park Avenue. 36x168. $1- Joseph Ardrew to Anna K.

Willet. Delavan Avenue, scuth side. 631 feet west Richmond Avenue, 3Sxl3C, $1. Charles P. Gresser to Rozalia Garska, Fillmore Avenue, west side.

510 feet south Peckham Street, 30 front, $1. Catherine Hughes 'to Theresa Tiller and one. Dewitt Street east side. 278.20 feet north Forest Avenue, 46x132.64, Jl. Durk Vanderberg to Nellie Neal, Philadelphia.

Street, north side. 726.40 feet Ontario Street 30x123.50. XI. Ferdinand H. Duokwlti to Eliza Shad-rake; by Avenue, northeast side pear Hudson Street 25 feet frcnt Margaret W.

Dow to Ferdinand 11. "It Gives ALL the News Wort Readlaa-. "It Is the Most Enterprising; aad PByslar." "It Is Cl- and Is a DeUsht for oar Children." "It Is commended by all Xelxkbors and Friends." comments A eastmploashlp, basketball team. Sense 5 representative baseball The Chief Jnstleo aad his Favor-. tte Grandchild.

The Most Popular Little Maid la the Bbx Horn Coaatry. Two noted Hangrarlaas, How to deeorato a for two. A splendid pletaro at a titled lad of 4 1-3 years. Mem worn Eye. in the Pabllo Trail Creek Baaeh.

These are merely a few of the thousands of pleasant made by the nearly half million readers of the liiyfFifMlLOi). I si S. Douglass Cornell to Thomas A. Wallace and ono. Normal Avenue, southwest side, 278 feet I northwest Massachusetts Street.

27 feet front JL Heirs of Frank Csolgocs to John Csol-goss. Sobieakl Street west side, 50L64 feet south Sycamore Street. 30 feet front. Henry E. Dennis to Chrlssle V.

Dennis, La Force Place, west side, 765 feet north Hertel Avenue, 30 feet front 81. Frederick Ehlert 1 to Margareth C. Wunsch, Woodlawn! Avenue, south side. 252 feet west Humboldt Parkway, 80 feet front, 8L I Frederick Hermann, to Joseph Ru-ben stein, Madison Street west side, 420 feet south Peckham Street 80 feet front 81. i Stanislaus Babryelewlcs to Frank Dam-ian and one, L.

60. T. 11, R. 7, Executor of Catherine Burke to Kath-ryn L. Burke, Elk Street, south side.

112 feet west Hamburg1 Street 27 feet front 83.000. i Patrick H. Cochrane to Mary LakunskL Cable Street, east side. 65 feet north Beer Street, 30 feet front $1. Elisabeth Pflster to Katherlne Schmitt Kane Street east side, 475 feet south Gen esee Htreei, zo reet iront JL John P.

Helndell to Upson Oil Company, L. 66. T. 11. R.

7, 81. George Fredrich to Rosalia Buczynskl. L. 61, T. R.

7. 81. Catherine Hughes to Theresa Tllley and one, southwest corner Ferry and Grant streets, 30 feet front 81. COUNTY. Fredericks Brown to Robert C.

Post Ton a wan ds, SL Byron E. Butlin to William H. E. Rut-lln. East Aurora, 81.

Concetta Morgana to Orazlo Battagrlia and one. Brant SL Ixj ran L. Lewis, as trustee, to Buffalo Rural Cemetery. Hamburg, $1, John McKay to Harry L. Walker, Amherst SL Arc angel a Oddo to Orazlo Battaglls and one.

Brent, $1 John H. Storer 1 to Albert E. Terry-berrr. Cheektowaga, 8240. Adam Schmidt, to Leopold J.

Schmidt and one, Tonawanda, 81. Same to Louis P. Lichtenberger. Tona- Ellsabeth Klopp and ono to Clarence Intel. Hamburg, tL Heirs of Samuel G.

Door and one to Gustavo Soderholm, Hamburg, SL Emma M. Eiss to John McKay and one, Amherst 81. Clarence M. Fenton to Beniamln Fen- ton, Brant SL Ideal Stock Farm Company to William J. Wheeler, East Aurora, 81.

Grace C. Earl to Ida M. Graves, Akron, Charles Gau to Fredericka Brown, Tonawanda, 81. Wortgmarea City. Jacob Goodman to Herman Goepfer and one.

Moreland Street near Bailey Avenue, SL20O. Buffalo Paragon Wall Plaster Company to Samuel S. Carroll and one. corner Breckenridge Street and New York Central lands. 85,000.

Henry Koenig to Buffalo Savings Bank, Madison Street near Beck with. $1,000. Alfred Cutting to Mary Endres, Delavan Avenue near Meech Avenue, 82,000. Joseph H. Cowie to William H.

Lester, Pascal Street near Baynes Street 84,500. William H. Glenny to Erie County Savings Bank, Exchsnge Street near Washington Street, 810,000. Amanda Jensen to Mary D. Campbell, Metcalf Street near Howard Street, $1,500.

Samuel G. Koch to Western Savings Bank of Buffalo, Edlicott Street near Burton Alley. $600. Thomas A. Wallace and one to S.

Douglas Cornell, Normal Avenue near Massachusetts Street, $2,160. John Thiol to Western Savings Bank of Buffalo. Hoyt Street near Lafayette Avenue, $2,000. Joseph Rubensteln to Em II Rubensteln and one. Madison Street near Peckham Street, $200.

William B. Wayne to E31a M. Nicholson, Congress Street near Lafayette Avenue, $1,060. Horace O. Lanza to Josephin Roberts, Seventh Street near Vermont $2,000.

John D. F. Whltheck to Erie County Savings Bank, southeast corner Masten Street and Northland Avenue and $14,000. Joseph Rubensteln to Frederick Hermann and one Madison Street near Peckham Street $200. Andrew Zeits to Frank Schmidt, KI1-hoffer Street near Genesee Street, $650.

Burton H. Brownell to executors of Frank Beer, Balcom Street near Main Street $1,500. Burton H. Brownell to Erie County Savings Bank, Balcom Street near Main Street 84.500. COUNTY.

Ida M. Graves to Robert King," Akron, $200. Frank J. Collins to Gerhard Lang- Brewery, Depew, 8200. Robert C.

Post to Mary B. Clark. Tonawanda, 8500. William J. Wheeler to Guy Martin, East Aurora, $L300.

Clarence Thlel to Elizabeth Klopp, Hamburg. SU.000. Assignment of Hortgag-oa. Executor ot Jane E. Thornton to Otto Milo.

$800 i Anna Suor to Helen B. Lunt 82.160. Louise A. Diehl to Laura L. Cooper, SL150.

Pe eoxile'a Bank of Haxnburs? to Mabel George Slegriat to Georgo A. Hugnson, $975. Frederick B. Robins. Ltd, to Antonina Glinski.

8800. George A. Davis to Emma H. Hoffeld. 82,869.

Eliza Rust et aL to Margaret Bush, SS0O. John J. Fllllnger to August Ruth. $325. Mabel Leigh to Edward R.

Maher, 8L200 Mary S. Cook to Mary N. Sprague, $10,000. Catherine M. Kinney to Mary R.

New-son, 8L600. iiwii emun to wiunm n. xssnor. sl? William H. Lester to Christian HmcsL ganss, $4250.

Henry J. Humburch to Edna L. Woodbury. ,8500. Discharge of Hortgmge, Joseph M.

Miller to Harold P. Blanch-ard. IMay, 1905. Odell R. Blair to executor ot William H.

Grimes, May, 1S07. Julia A. Sutton and one to Esther Lymburner. February, ill lam J. Zlegelo to Albert Zlegele, Anrust 1902.

Krsper Hacker to Frederick Genaler and one. May, 1893. Kaaimiers Rucker to Teofll Narosny and one. January, 1907. Louis Miller to Alwlno Marzahn, May, 1907.

Mary A. XSoodeU to George M. Spaoe, ApriL 1899. Same to administrator ot Sarah Howard. February.

Jacob Haller to Louis Rosenbach, May. Harris 8. WiTIiams et aL to Rochester Trust ft Safe Deposit April, 1900. Charles F. Herman to Emms, Noble, November.

Julius Dorn to Alma Borket, April 1K99, Same to William c. Lutz. April. 1893. Eclipse Wood Fiber Plaster Company to Philip J.

Ferkel. October, 1W7. Lucy Borden and ono to Georgo H. Ehreaman. October.

1SS8. Michael T. McGorder to Irish-AraeHran Es vines Loan Associativa, ilay, ame to same. 'Msy. Catherine and one to aaras.

rtbruary, II, i .7 (MM? It yoa are not a Constant Reader, or the; Oldest Subscriber, now Is the time to subscribe, or the time to begin readlaa- Buffalo's Larsest, Bria-h tent, Most Ponolar and! Most Complete Family Ilastrated Newspsner. It Is Justly called Te Peopled Paper," and as Is well-kaowa. Is esteemed for the aaallty of Its ansa-tlty. Next Snnday It will be largrer. better, brig-hter than ever.

I)o not fall to s-et a ropy. Order; now, for the demand la nearly always la excess of the supply. Thi price ts always the same, only Five Cents. Tell your newsdealer or newsboy to supply yoa resrolarty. Jj Tao Iteeent Beeord-hreaklngr Iater-eollegrtato Meet on FrnahJla pleld.

University of Pennsylvania, graphically fUnstrsted. aeries of mnasaally laterestlaar athletic pletarea. Cornell, Syracuse. Swartkmore. Prtaeetoa.

Tale. Ann Arbor other nnl-verslties represented. Will Interest every oollegrtaa aad every trlend and admirer of the oollegrtaa. Remember, Fifty Beautiful Halftone Pictures in the Sunday Courier's Peerless Illustrated Supplement A Ressartenhlo Ftve generation tatmUy. One at Tares Osnsntyn largrest and reprasoatatrva fasslllea.

A tnmoas desrroo toaaa' of tao Knlrhts of Pythias. A seven-eolama groap. Priaeetoa's Initial spin mm Laks Oarnegle. School plctares and pletares of the nicest little people. A das pletaro of Mrs.

Flak aad other stagro eelehrltlea, A srrsS talsntest people of Oraoa Eplnoapal Chareh. Black Hock, Baffalo. Isbea's Messagro, Asnerlea's Need." A dlseaaslosiaf Interest. Lit. erary Featares of wnexcelled charm and valoe, The most and the beat.

ia'taa nday Coaxler. i ipLAT BALL." Vkm naaehall reports la Th Coarler. both dallv -aad Sunday, are attracting- the attention and the admiration mt all lovers at the National Game, if ymm want to Jtnow all aboat tao opealas; of the oeasoa in Boffalo, 1 read the Saaday Coarler. ALL the BaoebaD News. Taa aaaatanr elnbi will ro-eetvo a full measure of attention.

If 70a want ALL the Base. ball Hewn and waat the Most KelUblo most prompt reports, art Tha Casurler. b-l Society News, Dmmatla News, Marino Kewa, Local Kewn, Market News, Nelgrbborbood News, Maste News, Book; News, all aorta of readlaa; matter for all sorts of readers. if The Cable aad General Telesrrsphle Psjces of the Ssraday Coarler Positively Uneualed All tho news of the wide, wide world r'-it t9 to the hour and mlaato of groins to press. Place a small e-d.


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.