facetracknoir Help: Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED (2024)

facetracknoir Help: Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED (5)

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Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED - works 1 time out of 10


Dan Middleton



  • facetracknoir Help: Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED (6)

    I have a Logitech C920 Pro webcam on Windows 10. Can supply the rest of my system specs if desired. I can only get FaceTrackNoIR to work about once out of every ten attempts using FaceAPI. More often after clicking Start it gets stuck at the INITIALIZING engine state indefinitely until I give up and close the application (5-10 minutes later). Sometimes I will check it after clicking Start and it actually says TERMINATED.

    I initially thought lighting in the room might have something to do with it because it suddenly started when I turned on a light (even though I am sitting in a room with lots of natural illumination in the daytime) but I think that was a placebo effect coincidence because since then the light state of the room has made no difference.

    If I use the webcam utility before clicking Start to check if the webcam is working, I can get a preview video stream just fine.

    I would really like to make this work because FaceTrackNoIR (when it works) has distinct advantages over the alternative I was using, Opentrack (namely that Opentrack suddenly tries to "lock on" to the face of anyone else who walks in the room instead of mine whereas FaceTrackNoIR has no such issue). However, I simply don't have a half hour to repeatedly stop and start the application while doing a rain dance every time I want to sim-fly. On the verge of just biting the bullet and paying the exorbitant price for a TrackIR now.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Last edit: Dan Middleton 2021-07-08

    • facetracknoir Help: Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED (7)

      Wim Vriend- 2021-07-08

      Hello Dan,

      If I had a simple 'Aha-erlebnis' and could tell what the problem is, then you would probably have had that by now too. I can see that you have tried several things to fix the problem.

      I do wonder: if you only open FaceTrackNoIR and start the tracker and then leave that running for a longer period of time, does the problem also occur? As you probably know, FaceTrackNoIR has been around for over 10 years and many users (also with Logitech C920 webcams) use it daily.

      This thought occurs to me: do you have the latest driver(s) for the Logitech? And no other software is trying to use it while the facetracker is running?

      • facetracknoir Help: Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED (8)

        Dan Middleton- 2021-07-08

        if you only open FaceTrackNoIR and start the tracker and then leave that running for a longer period of time, does the problem also occur?

        I guess I'm not quite sure what you mean. Are you saying I should just start the tracker and go make a sandwich or something for a while and hope it's working when I come back? I've seen previous threads where it's stated the tracker should start to work within a couple of seconds. On the unpredictable occasions it works for me at all, it does start within a few seconds. I have seen nothing to suggest waiting any length of time will ever be "long enough" if it doesn't initialize immediately.

        This thought occurs to me: do you have the latest driver(s) for the Logitech?

        There are no specific drivers for the C920s to install, it's plug and play. The only download Logitech offers for it is Logitech Capture which is meant for adjusting chromakey settings and such. https://support.logi.com/hc/en-us/articles/360024695174--Downloads-C920s-HD-Pro-Webcam

        And no other software is trying to use it while the facetracker is running?

        Correct. The only other software on my PC I ever use with the webcam is (rarely) Zoom Meetings which is certainly not running.

      • facetracknoir Help: Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED (9)

        Wim Vriend- 2021-07-09

        Hello Dan,

        OK, so either the tracker works immediately, or it does not work at all?
        Can you post a screenshot of FaceTrackNoIR? Maybe something catches my eye...

        • facetracknoir Help: Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED (10)

          Dan Middleton- 2021-07-09

          so either the tracker works immediately, or it does not work at all?

          That's about the size of it, yes.

          See screenshot attached.


        • facetracknoir Help: Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED (12)

          Wim Vriend- 2021-07-10

          Could you check Windows Taskmanager to see if the process FTNoIR_FaceAPI_EXE.exe is running? It should be started by FaceTrackNoIR, as soon as you press START.

          • facetracknoir Help: Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED (13)

            Dan Middleton- 2021-07-12

            The process is not running.

          • facetracknoir Help: Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED (14)

            Wim Vriend- 2021-07-12

            Does it help when you start FaceTrackNoIR 'As Administrator'?

            • facetracknoir Help: Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED (15)

              Dan Middleton- 2021-07-18

              Hello, sorry for the delay in responding, been to busy with other things to test this.

              No, running as admin makes no discernible difference in how often I can get it to work.

            • facetracknoir Help: Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED (16)

              hacefrio- 2021-08-04

              I have a very similar issue to op and the same hardware specs so I'm going to piggy back this topic. Most times to get the actual tracking to register I have to restart the app or even the whole pc. Once it is actually tracking, if I move my face out of camera shot for more than a few seconds, and bring my face back in, the tracker cannot recover and I just see the video feed sans tracker.

              • facetracknoir Help: Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED (17)

                Wim Vriend- 2021-08-04

                That is strange: do you have more than one video-source?

                When you move out of view, or block the view by using your hand for example, the tracker needs to search your face again. If light is good this should happen within a few seconds.

                Can you post a screenshot?

              • facetracknoir Help: Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED (18)

                hacefrio- 2021-08-04

                So I need to do some more testing but I think a couple things have helped. I am now running as administrator first of all. Second, it helps that when tracking is lost, I move my face close to the camera and the tracker has a better chance to start again. The lighting in my room is OK and I have a bit of a busy background behind me, plus a thick beard at the moment.

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  Help: Engine stuck at INITIALIZING, sometimes TERMINATED (2024)
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